it would be nice to have two or more Spot Weakness (why more than one? because it will be exhausted too because of Corruption) cards with debuffs for enemies are also useful You will be losing all defends cards after use (Corruption.) so saved that way energy has to be spent on DAMAGE. focus also on getting strong cards - high damage output is crucial. Apotheosis is extremely useful (with Corruption it costs 0 and is exhausted anyway), so you don't have to use other cards like Armaments in that build focus on getting energy relics and cards (like Berserk) I have connected it with the power card which allows you to draw a card for each exhausted card. However Corruption was my way to the goal. for all tries I was able only ONCE to get Dead Branch, so I finally gave up on trying to get the combo with Corruption. there is no optimal build (or maybe there are, but it is extremely difficult to gather all necessary cards.

to get from A1 to A20 it took hundreds of tries Luckily I did not have to face the Time Eater.įinally watch Jorbs or other YouTube runs they can help you learn a lot. I had like Offering, True Grit, Arnaments, Shockwave, and Bash (must have for Dropkick) and a couple Defenses by the time I hit Act 3. I tried to go infinite (keep drawing cards forever with Dropkick) and it worked. For A20 I somehow got like 3 Dropkicks in Act I and a Runic Pyramid. Then I got Corruption early in Act 2 and those are a great combo. For A19 I got a Dead Branch off the bat (Dead Branch seems really rare I only saw maybe 5 out of 200 runs). There are several other really cool ways to win but I found these at high ascension the best. Run winning combos can be Dead Branch + Corruption, Barricade + Entrench, Demon Form + defense to get it rolling (you don't need many offensive cards). In mid ascension I would try to take on more elites but towards the very end found that difficult. Other general advice is to remove or transform Strikes.

Then I usually favored any Energy boss relics. Snecko Eye is great if you have several 2 or more cards. Obviously the boss relics make a huge difference as well. On mid ascensions I relied on either a lot of defense (Shrug It Offs, Ghostly Armor) and then sort of waited for the run to decide to go all in on defense (Barricade, Entrench) or go more offense with strength scaling (Spot Weakness, Inflame, Demon Form). Its hard to write a guide since each run is different but here is some general things I noticed. As you get to higher ascension different cards become more valuable.